If you have had difficulty sleeping lately, you are not alone, our team has heard this over and over recently. Not only are people having a hard time falling sleep, but they are having a hard time staying asleep. Maybe it’s the weather or maybe life stressors are creeping up-but one thing is for sure, the majority of us have not been sleeping well as of late. I don’t have to tell you that lack of sleep not only impacts focus and concentration but it makes us irritable! Have you noticed your fuse becoming shorter and your patience non-existent? Have you tried turning down the temperature in your bedroom? What about opening a window or sleeping with a fan? It turns out that most of us sleep better when we sleep in a cold room. Some research suggests that sleeping with a weighted blanket may also improve sleep (Picture your ancestors sleeping under a heavy fur). Imagine feeling less irritable and more motivated. We can help!
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Lisa Bell
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